Friday, September 3, 2010

August 31, 2010
After I’d taught my first two classes yesterday, I was feeling too dizzy and light-headed to continue. I went home to rest, and ended up feeling weak and generally exhausted today as well. I’m planning on teaching again tomorrow; I don’t want to lose any more time with my students.
Fortunately, I had good books to read and the generator was on both days. I managed to finish Pride and Prejudice yesterday (I’m still surprised I made it this far in life without reading it), and have now read a total of 16 books since I arrived at my site in January. I started another today, and will probably finish quickly as it seems to be a fast read. I also watched The Illusionist again (my second viewing) and enjoyed it very much.
I’m writing this now with 20% battery remaining, and 99% certainty that there is another mouse in my house. To make it worse (or better, I’m not sure which), it seems to be confined to my bedroom. Most of the time, my bedroom door closed. When the sun shines in (from the North here, not the South, an interesting change), it heats my room. If I keep the door closed, the room stays warmer when I go to sleep. Granted, it hasn’t been as brutally cold recently, but I’ve fallen into the habit, so the mouse is in my room.
I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to deal with this one, seeing as last time was such an ordeal. If I poison it, who knows where it will end up. If I try to trap it, I still have to deal with removing a dead (I hope) mouse from a trap. If I leave it alone, well, that’s not an option. I suppose I could borrow someone’s cat, though then the allergies become an issue.
Well, I just got the “Connect to Power” warning, so I’d better call it a night.
Love (and critters) from Africa,

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